
Ever wonder what God might have to say to YOU today? Here are things to ponder, and things to receive into your heart. If you have a question, put it in the comments. I respond as much as I can.

A note for all my readers: I've been experimenting with YouTube videos for Bible teaching, and now I'm working my way through the New Testament. I encourage you to subscribe to my YouTube channel for better coverage. I'm still writing, of course, and my written posts appear here.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

It's not always My fault...

Children, as you know, I rule the universe.  I made the universe.  But there is evil in the universe, and I am good.  These things, in themselves, are contradictions.  If the theologians (a tribe full of both good and bad ideas!) had their way, everything would be tied up with a neat bow, and explainable.  But they are not. Things happen to you that can't be explained with a theological formula, and the reason is that there is more than one influence in the universe at the present moment. I told you earlier that when Adam and Eve, My first man and woman, followed the Serpent's plan, and ate the forbidden fruit, they unleashed evil and death in the world.  It's also true that they unleashed evil and death throughout the universe. They also started a process of decay (that's what leads to death) that only I can repair.
I'm going to do that, and My Dear Son is the answer for all that. However, NOW you children of mine live in a world where many things happen that were not part of the original Universe as I made it. Earthquakes. Tornados. Murders. Kings who hate and destroy entire countries. Armies that kill people. Tuberculosis. Smallpox. High blood pressure. Heart disease. Brain tumors.  Destruction of all you worked for. Injustice. Con men. Child molesters.
If you think I'm doing all this, you are wrong, including the times it happens to you, whether it's loss of your job and income, or an incurable illness, marriage troubles, relationship troubles, a personal problem you can't resolve--or even a flat tire. IInstead, I'm there to help you through these times, and I will be with you in them, and give you strength.
Evil IS in the world. It's also in you (don't forget that part!), and its influence is everywhere.
Evil influences the world
  • because men and women have evil in them
  • because the universe has evil in it (pit bulls, for example, or lions, or floods).
  • because Satan is a real spirit-being, who hates Me, and you, and all the good in the universe, and because he inspires evil men and events.
  • because you have some evil in you, and you do things that bring bad results.
When evil (or bad) happens, it happens. I allow it.
However, it is My plan to remove all evil from the Universe, from you, and from all My creatures.
Here's how it will look then:

Revelation 21: A New Heaven and a New Earth

3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying: "Look! The residence of God is among human beings. He will live among them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them.
4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will not exist any more --- or mourning, or crying, or pain, for the former things have ceased to exist."
5 And the one seated on the throne said: "Look! I am making all things new!" Then he said to me, "Write it down, because these words are reliable and true."
6 He also said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the one who is thirsty I will give water free of charge from the spring of the water of life.

I will do this--I will do it for you, I will do it for My universe, and I will do it for all My creatures.  Until then, the world is imperfect; you may suffer, but I will give you glad hearts and good seasons and thus remind you of My love and care.
When you have problems, I am there for you. I take care of you, I love you, and I will always stand by you.
My servant David said it this way (Psalm 23):
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me."
I am with you to help you and support you throughout the difficult times, and to welcome you home with Me when your life is over.
I do love you. But sometimes it's tough right now.  I will never leave you. You can count on that.
And it will be better. You can count on that, too.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sometimes, you curse yourself...

My servant James wrote that you bless Me with your mouth, but then you curse people, who are made in My image.
That is very true, and yes, you should learn to see the good in people, rather than filling your mind with criticisms about them.
The same is true of you.  Some of you, My children, are so "down on yourselves" that you think you are worth nothing, can do nothing, will never have anything.
But the fact is, you are made in MY image. You have MY likeness.  Even though you certainly are not perfect, you are stamped with ME.
This means:
1. You can do things.
2. You can think things.
3. You are not locked in some sort of eternal "box," with no choices.
4. When you choose ME, you are free to be the "real you."  It's a strange reality that by answering the call of My likeness within you, and turning your life over to Me, I set the "real you" free.
5. How do you do that? Unlock the amazing potential inside?

  • Ask Me.  Accept My love for you, and open yourself to it.
  • Open yourself to what I can do for you through My Dear Son, Jesus. He is also listening for your prayer. Ask Him.
  • Stop looking at yourself as "people see you" (that's something I said long ago to My servant Samuel).  Start looking at yourself as I see you, as made in My image, as built with infinite potential, as a person with a future, whose road leads to eternal life with Me.
  • With just yourself, you may succeed. With Me, you cannot fail.
  • Learn the "next steps" to becoming all that I meant you to be.  Read My Book, and see what I did with fruitpickers (Amos), hostages (Daniel), shepherds (David), young people (Jeremiah), old gypsies (Abraham), kidnappers (Judah), murderers (Moses), farmers (Gideon), fishermen (Peter, James, John), adulterers (the woman at the well), liars (Jacob), and so on, for many more. Each one of these people sought Me, and let Me unlock at least part of My image within him or her. All of you can do the same. 
  • Ask Me to unleash what you have that I have given you, and then be all that I have made you. I know you. I love you. You can do this.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Like Me...

My servant James wrote, "...Men, who are made in the image and likeness of God."  That means all of you are like Me.  All.  There is not one who is otherwise.  The most evil man or woman in all the world is made in My image. So is the best man or woman.  All are made in My image. Most importantly, YOU are.  Here are some of the things that means to you:
1. You have good in you.  My image in you is damaged, and only My Dear Son can restore it, but you have good in you.
2. You can be like Me, and like My Dear Son. You are not "locked into" either your past, your circumstances, or your present character.
3. I can't give you up, unless you refuse Me completely.  It would be like throwing Myself away.
If you want to be like Me, and if you want to be with Me, you CAN.
Just ask.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

When it's all gone...

In my Bible, My servant Luke tells you about a woman who "had spent all her money...and was no better, but only grew worse..."
That happens to a lot of you. You work, you lay money aside, you accumulate, and then one day something happens that takes all of it, and you have nothing left but your problems and your struggles.
Do you remember what I did for her?
I sent My dear Son to her, and she touched his garment, and immediately everything changed for her.
I mean you to learn some things from this:
My beloved Son is your best Resource.  There is nobody like Him when you are in trouble.
There was a crowd around Him, but somehow she touched Him--He always is "reachable," no matter what the circumstance--and especially now, since He's with Me in heaven, and everyone can reach Him, wherever they are.
When you "touch Him," and believe in Him (she said to herself, "If only I can touch the edge of His garment, I'll be OK."), everything changes. He always invites your touch, and always gives His blessing in return.
My Son is great in an emergency, which this was.  There was no time to wait, so everything happened at once.
He doesn't mind it when you reach out to Him.  He wants you to do it.
He also has no issues with problems you can't tell anyone else about. He's ready for your touch.
Reach out to Him today, and get the blessings I give through Him.